Understanding the Funding from ECO 4 scheme across Scotland

The world is changing, and it’s high time that we understand the impact of the energy sector on our environment. We need to harness free funding to improve our sources of energy.

Things such as free electric storage heating, solar panels, insulation and air source heat pumps right here in Scotland.

ECO 4 funding is a form of funding provided by energy companies to support their energy goal of net zero carbon by 2050. The funding is to improve homes in Perthshire , Aberdeenshire , Dundee, Angus and Fife.

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) policy, requires energy companies to invest profits to help protect the people in Scotland from cold winters.

Free Funding For Renewables

One of the most important aspects of funding is that it helps provide a reduction in carbon.

This funding has enabled many households to switch to energy sources like solar panels and air source heating pumps.https://www.facebook.com/p/Eco-warmth-Scotland-100066312775492/?paipv=0&eav=AfYRYJrzy4oY1qZy9Jp8AgZvX7XuUzvR1n2YgEriWpDwUDe1RXHE7mvuQ_GyTC7vIDc&_rdr

Insulation is also an essential area of obligation funding. Free energy grant funding help homes across Scotland to reduce their energy bills. Insulation keeps homes warm in winter while they are cool during summer. By reducing the amount of energy used in homes we reduce carbon emissions.

Renewable energy is a massive contributor towards the energy efficiency of Scotland.

Insulation, electric storage heating, solar panels and air source heat pumps are reliable sources of clean energy once installed.

This is also encouraging the manufacturers of these products to develop more advanced and efficient technologies for the future.https://ecowarmthscotland.co.uk

ECO Obligation funding is funded by the energy companies and supports energy efficiency programs. It has resulted in a significant reduction in carbon emissions across Scotland. The funding offers various benefits to landlords, tenants and homeowners in Scotland from renewable energy sources such as electric storage heating, solar panels, air source heat pumps and insulation.

In conclusion, ECO 4 funding can be accessed across Scotland to improve the EPC rating of homes for FREE.

You could qualify for free insulation, free heat pumps or free solar panels

Stay warm and improve your property for FREE. eco warmth offers a range of government grant funded energy saving installations to upgrade rented and privately owned properties.


Get an instant estimate of how much grant funded energy saving measures could save you

Answer a few simple questions, and we'll give you an instant estimate of the saving you could expect to see from insulating your home.  We can even check what grant funding is available towards free cavity wall insulation, free loft insulation, free room-in-roof insulation or free floor insulation.